
Report Bugs

Welcome to the Bugs Page!

I strive to maintain a smooth and bug-free experience for all users. If you encounter an issue, please follow these steps to report it effectively:

Search Before You Report: Use the search bar to check if the bug you encountered has already been reported. This helps avoid duplicate reports and consolidates information on known issues.

Vote for Existing Bug Reports: If you find a report that matches your issue, please vote for it instead of creating a new one. This helps us prioritize fixing the most impactful bugs.

Submit New Bug Reports: If you don’t find an existing report similar to your issue, feel free to create a new bug report. Provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the issue, screenshots, and device information.

By following these steps, you help me manage bug reports more efficiently, allowing me to address the most critical issues promptly. Thank you for helping us improve the platform!